a non tattoo related zine
Before I get into any pithy comments or witty quips, let’s address the elephant in the room: what’s a zine? A zine (pronounced like the last syllable of “magazine”) is a DIY/hand made/self published work that is typically bound in some format. It can take the form of a single sheet of paper folded up, or it can be multiple pages stapled/bound together. Zines are very big in local artist communities because of how low the barrier to entry is. Read more about the history of zines here if you’d like!
My zine, “There’s Nothing Quite Like the Taste of Your Own Tail,” was inspired by a friend asking to color in one of my prints and realizing that my work really lends itself to a coloring book format. I worked on making the art in the zine for about two weeks. Most of the drawing was done on airplanes as I traveled from Boston to Colorado and back (spring break), and Boston to Germany and back (research project). I printed out the zines in the MIT Media Lab using this very fancy printer, called a Riso printer. It is essentially like screen printing in printer format (read more about that here). And I handed out around 100 copies around campus last weekend!
Without further ado, here she is.
free zines!
friends picking up zines!!