tattoos your oof columnist has given
So here’s the thing. I’ve been learning how to tattoo. The scouring-the-internet, stalking-very-cool-artists-on-Instagram, practicing-on-my-feet-and-ankles kind of leaning how to tattoo.
My big secret (that is not so secret) is that I would really like to spend some time post MIT graduation tattooing in a more serious way. It’s a big secret because I am too scared to tell any of the science-y people in my life. But it not big of a secret because I post every tattoo I’ve done (along with most of the thoughts I have) on a very public Instagram account. Although, the Venn diagram of my science support system and people who follow my art Instagram account is just two circles.
I ordered needles, ink, and more tattoo supplies sometime this past October. The first tattoo I did is a sweet/faded/shaky stem with two leaves and dots on the arch of my right foot.
Something that tattoo artist on Instagram always caption their tattooing pictures is “thank you __ for the trust!!” This felt very corny to me, until I started tattooing other people. It is so special. I kind of cannot believe that people have entrusted me to put my art permanently on their body. Thank you for the trust :)
But, let me just show you instead of telling you about these tattoos. Here are all the tattoos I have done in chronological order:
first tattoo on someone else! match on I
lil branch on I
chilli on R
heart on C
snake on me
<3 mushroom on S
dancer on I
dragon on A
cowboy w/ big hat on me
dancing on M
something abstract on K
calla lily on H
coffeepot fish on V
fishies on M
Those are all for now! Thanks for reading and for the trust :)